Ugh - the battlebus cold has struck. Luckily I've got a relatively quiet day ahead with just a single photo op ahead of the debate this evening.
A combination of the cold and lack of connectivity meant I couldn't update my diary yesterday, so apologies for the delay and for the brevity of this post...
First up was a press conference on the subject of schools with David Laws. Traditionally, all three parties held press conferences every weekday morning. With the advent of the debates, the Lib Dems decided that pressers on Thursday and Friday mornings would be pretty much dominated by the debates and so we are only holding them Monday to Wednesday. With Labour and the Tories picking the 8.30 and 9.30 slots, the Lib Dems have chosen to hold press conferences at 7.30am. A good breakfast is on offer to make sure no one misses out.
Except that neither Labour nor Tories have held press conferences for some time and don't look set to start again soon. Should the Lib Dems move our pressers to a more reasonable hour? We won't for the simple reason that Nick's diary has been built around being able to get on the road by 9am. So the early starts will remain.
A quick trip to Radio One for Nick to answer questions from their listener panel and then it was on the road for the long trip to Redruth to see Terrye Teverson and Julia Goldsworthy and for Nick to answer questions from pupils at Trewergie Junior School.
The pupils were gathered on the nearby cricket field and came up with around a dozen questions which were delivered by the school council members.
It was great to be back in Cornwall, but it ended all too soon as we had to get to Bristol.
Kamis, 22 April 2010
The secret diary of an election photographer - Day 16
general election
Lib Dems
Nick Clegg
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