Hola, Je m'appelle Luigi auf der New York Times...
Today we had the busiest day ever on the campaign bus, at the morning news conference and during our visit to Chippenham. A large proportion of the journalists were from various overseas newspapers and magazines. Among them we had an Italian journalist, the New York Times and Time Magazine. This afternoon Nick went to a press conference at the Foreign Press Association. All were keen to follow the 'phenomenon' (their word) that is Nick Clegg and the Lib Dem campaign.

We started with the morning presser on the theme of helping British businesses. Nick and Vince were on top form and railed against Goldman Sachs which is being investigated for alleged dodgy dealings and yet is still advising the Government. Nick made it clear that such advisor status should be suspended pending the FSA investigation.
Nick also fielded a quesion from Andrew Neil who wanted to come and stay at Nick's house in Sheffield. Nick described it as taking modern politics perhaps a bit too far.

With the flight ban still in place, we caught a train to Chippenham and filled an entire carriage. The visit was to the Wiltshire agricultural college where we watched two teams racing to assemble a tractor - in about 15 minutes.
While they were doing this, Nick answered questions from the other students.

Then it was back on the train and Nick was off to the FPA. Sky News' Rachel Younger heard that Nick would be answering as many questions as he could in the language of the quetioner and promptly asked if she needed an interpretor. We pointed out that she might need five.
Tomorrow it's Cornwall - hooray!
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