Jumat, 21 September 2012

Cornwall Council to debate motion of no confidence in Leader

A special meeting of Cornwall Council has been called to debate a motion of no confidence in Cllr Alec Robertson as Leader of the Council on 16th October.

The Leader is the only elected person on the Council who can be sacked in this way. Cabinet members are appointed directly by the Leader and their removal is his or her prerogative.

The special council meeting comes as a result of a petition by at least 41 councillors - one third of the council. I was one of those who signed it because I am concerned about the anti-democratic nature of the administration recently. In particular, the decision by the Cabinet to press ahead with their privatisation scheme despite a vote by a majority of councillors against it.

If the Leader and Cabinet system is to work then those in charge have to listen to the will of the majority of councillors. The Liberal Democrats have taken a position of opposition at the council because we didn't win a majority at the last elections. There is quite a lot we don't agree with in what the council has done, but we accept their right to do it. But when the full council - all 123 councillors, representing the whole of Cornwall, debates an issue and comes down against the Cabinet, we think that the Cabinet should listen.

The debate on 16th October is not a foregone conclusion. Even though I signed the petition, I want to give the Leader the chance to explain his actions and to say how he intends to lead in the future. I know that there are Conservatives (and many independents) who are also unsure about Cllr Robertson's leadership and will think likewise.

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