Despite making considerable progress on constitutional reform in their first term, the Labour government soon became a byword for kicking things into the long grass.
- They pledged to hold a referendum on electoral reform - only to abandon that pledge before suddenly being converted to the merits of AV shortly before the election;But now in opposition, they are suddenly reverting to type and demanding yet more talking and delay. In today's debate on the constitutional reform section of the Queen's Speech, Labour put forward an amendment calling...
- They held no fewer than three full reviews of the House of Lords and yet still did nothing, and
- They resisted individual registration for many years before eventually seeing sense and changing their position.
"for active discussions by (the) Government on proposals for an elected House of Lords, a referendum on the alternative vote, recall of hon. Members... party funding... and individual voter registration"
This call for delay is quite unbelievable. If we are ever to get real reform of our constitution, it's quite clear that we will not do so under a Labour Government.
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