Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Elan Homes - it takes six months and 18 days to get a response

Residents of Kensey Valley Meadow will, sadly, be all too familiar with the customer care policy of Elan Homes, the developers of the estate.

Last winter, many local residents were unable to get their cars out of the development because of the snow and ice problems. Some residents were even forced to abandon Christmas as they could not get out to buy all they needed for the holiday period and so could not host friends or family. Others were worried about losing their jobs as, despite the main roads around the town being cleared, the roads of KVM were left iced over. I blogged about this issue here, here and here.

Kensey Valley Meadow has still not been adopted by the Council and therefore the roads are still the responsibility of Elan Homes. I therefore asked in December for Elan to grit the roads or at least to supply salt bins so that people on the estate could get out.

It took two weeks for Elan to reply then and their reply was not encouraging. So I asked another question and was told:

Thank you for your email. Your email has been forwarded on to the Southern Regional Director who is currently unavailable. As soon as we have further information we will contact you again.

So far so good.

But then there was no further information from Elan, so I wrote again. Eventually, after six months and 18 days, I have received a rather terse response from the same woman in the customer service team to say that their policy remains the same. Nothing (as was promised) from the Southern Regional Director and none of the explanation that I sought.

It is deeply concerning to me, and no doubt to the residents of Kensey Valley Meadow who were abandoned by Elan, that they should treat their customer services function in this way.

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