This has the potential to be a good victory for common sense.
The Parking Panel met recently to look at charges in car parks across the county. The paper in front of them proposed equalising the charges is all the former 6 districts. This would have meant trebling charges in some of the cheapest car parks. You have to assume that this was the view taken by the Cabinet or it would never have seen the light of day.
Sensibly, the panel decided that this was unacceptable. They ordered a complete review of all parking in Cornwall, including the Lib Dem plan for 10p first hour parking in market towns to boost local shops and a sort of Oyster Card as pioneered by Lib Dem run Caradon Council. In the meantime, they have limited the rise of just 5% for the coming year. Councillor Chris Pascoe, for the Lib Dems, argued that we should hold off on any rise at all but that a 5% rise was the next best option.
Unfortunately, the Parking Panel does not have the final say on this matter and it will now go to Cabinet on 16th December. One can only hope that they back up this decision and do not revert to their original 300% plan.
You can read more over at Andrew Wallis' blog.
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
Parking fees across Cornwall set to rise 5% - but Cabinet wanted 300%!
Council meetings
Lib Dems
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