With expenses on the front pages of all the papers, it seems apt to relay the story of Cornwall Council's own expenses mystery.
Yesterday there was a public meeting held in Penzance to discuss the proposed harbour developments and plan to locate both passenger and freight service for Scilly there. This meeting was organised by the Council and all members of the Strategic Planning Committee attended so that they could listen to the views of residents and see the scheme for themselves before the decision making meeting on Monday.
As usual, councillors made every effort to cut travel costs by sharing cars or taking the train. Yet they are told that they cannot claim travel expenses for what seems like a vital meeting.
On the other hand if I, who am not a committee member, choose to take my car all the way down to Penzance on Monday - not sharing with anyone else - to attend the meeting where I have no vote and which has little to do with my constituents, then I can claim full expenses including food.
I'm not going to make the trip because I have more local things to attend to and I don't believe in charging unnecessary costs to the Council.
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