The very disappointing news came through this week that Cornwall has been rejected in its bid for £580 million of funding in the Building Schools for the Future scheme. The aim was to bring all of the county's 31 secondary and four special schools up to scratch.
Instead, the Government have chosen 11 areas - predominantly Labour areas - which will get the cash instead.
It's thoroughly frustrating and means that many Cornish pupils will have to be taught (and teachers have to teach) in outdated classrooms for many years to come.
The bid originated under the Lib Dem run County Council last year and has been supported by the Conservative led administration since they took over. Given that this funding route has been closed off, the question is where can we get this money now? I am sure that Alec Robertson and his colleagues will be asking themselves the same question and I'm sure that all parties will be working together to seek a solution.
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