I've just received the following email from officers at Cornwall Council:
To recap: At the September meeting, councillors voted against shared services/privatisation. The (now ex-) Leader decided to press ahead nonetheless.
Last month (having sacked the Leader) we debated the issue again and put the matter on hold pending a full investigation into other alternatives including an employee own mutual, a shared services partnership with other public sector bodies but excluding a private company and a private-public tie up to bid for contracts outside Cornwall.
I would have thought that all those studies would have taken quite a bit of time and effort and would have fully used up the three months that BT have given the council to decide on their bid. But someone seems confident that councillors will be in a position to decide the issue in pretty short order.
All I can say is that it is a pretty big risk to take if councillors get it into their heads that the alternatives have not been exhaustively considered.
In consultation with the Chairman, the Council meeting has been moved from 4 December to 11 December 2012 to enable a full and informed debate on the Governance Review and Strategic Partnership for Support Services.And so it seems that someone on the fourth floor is determined to press ahead with yet another attempt to get councillors to agree to shared services.
To recap: At the September meeting, councillors voted against shared services/privatisation. The (now ex-) Leader decided to press ahead nonetheless.
Last month (having sacked the Leader) we debated the issue again and put the matter on hold pending a full investigation into other alternatives including an employee own mutual, a shared services partnership with other public sector bodies but excluding a private company and a private-public tie up to bid for contracts outside Cornwall.
I would have thought that all those studies would have taken quite a bit of time and effort and would have fully used up the three months that BT have given the council to decide on their bid. But someone seems confident that councillors will be in a position to decide the issue in pretty short order.
All I can say is that it is a pretty big risk to take if councillors get it into their heads that the alternatives have not been exhaustively considered.
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