However Iain does provide something of interest - although I think it will come back to bite the Tories.
Crewe Conservative candidate Tim 'nice but dim' has written a snide letter to the new Labour candidate asking her to say what she thinks about a few current issues. His aim is to either force her to say she opposes Brown or to go against the perceived wishes of the people.
All very well, but it is a bit rich of the Tories to be seeking to criticise others on policies.
So I reckon Lib Dem candidate Elizabeth Shenton should join in the fun, writing to Tim NbD and asking him to justify his position on a few key issues. Let's show up the Tories for the policy vacuum that they are. After all, Tim NbD can't refuse to play a game that he started, can he?
UPDATE - In the comments, Iain has pointed out that as I have never met Edward Timpson I can't possibly know that he is nasty. I'm happy to take this on board and have re-phrased the original post accordingly as it doesn't affect the point I was making.
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