Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Announcing the Iain Dale Crewe sweepstakes

The Tory cheer-meister has started his usual by-election tactic of running rubbishing stories about the Conservatives' main opponents. You can read it here - if you must.

Readers will remember just how much he followed the party line during the Ealing by-election (only to get egg all over his face when the Tories came a humiliating third).

So I thought I would hold a little competition. Between now and polling day (22nd May, for anyone who doesn't know) just how many times will Iain run stories on the Crewe by-election which are blatantly pro-Tory or anti-Labour (or both). To qualify, the story must mention the Crewe by-election or one of its candidates and it must be overtly partisan. Double points are awarded for copying central office press releases word for word or for spreading a rumour which is just not true.

So there you go. For the fun of it. How many such stories will Iain run? Closing date for entries is a week today.

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