The hacks travelling to the

USA with Gordon Brown are bewailing the loss of dignity of having to travel via a Titan Airways charter jet. Both
Sam Coates of the Times and
Andrew Porter of the Telegraph have complained online that neither BA nor Virgin had a plane available and so they have to travel in a charter jet.
And Sam Coates complains that this is costing £2,200 a seat.
Well just have a look at the
Titan website to see what suffering the poor dears are having to put up with:
- 96-100 sumptuous leather seats
- Extensive leg room
- Reclining seats with footrests
- Audio and visual in-flight entertainment
- Superb cuisine and fine wines
- Exceptional personalised service
- Attention to unique customer details
- Bespoke in-flight service
100 or fewer seats four abreast across the Atlantic - that sounds to me like Concorde. And Concorde cost a hell of a lot more than £2,200 return!
Get over it moaners
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