I cannot fathom out why Labour would be wanting to call the Crewe and Nantwich by-election for the 22nd May.
First off, it risks adverse comments (and not just from Iain) about the haste - before the funeral has been held.
But most strange is what they hope to achieve from holding it so soon after the council polls and before any Henley by-election can be held (if Boris wins in London).
Because whatever benefit Labour might get by not allowing the Conservatives and Lib Dems to build any momentum in the seat will surely be more than lost as a result of the terrible headlines Brown and co will get from their undoubted trouncing on Thursday. Voters may have short term memories but they are not that short and he is giving them very little time to dissipate.
I believe that the Tories will try to hold any Henley contest as soon as possible - again to prevent a Lib Dem build up. Surely Labour's best tactic would be to try to tie up as many Conservative activists as possible in a Henley contest on the same day as Crewe. A delay of a week or two could well have played to their advantage.
And a further benefit of doubling up would have been the possibility that the Lib Dems could do well enough in Henley to dent any pro-Tory headlines arising out of Crewe. Surely it is in Brown's best interests to humble to Tories - even if it is the Lib Dems who're taking any plaudits.
Other opinions welcome as ever.
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