The old system that used to apply in Launceston of brown paper bags for garden waste and disposable plastic sacks for other recyclables is being scrapped. Instead, a new system of re-usable boxes and bags is being introduced.
Each house will receive:

- An ORANGE bag for cardboard
- A RED bag for plastic bottles, foil, tins and drink cans and jar lids
- A BLUE bag for paper including newspaper and telephone directories
- A BLACK Box for glass jars and bottles and for textiles (which should be clean and dry and in a bag on top of the glass)
Garden Waste
The new garden waste service requires you to buy a wheelie bin and to pay a subscription for the collection service. Full details will be in the leaflet delivered to your door. In order to register, you can either visit the One Stop Shop or call 0300 1234 141.
Collection days and times
Every household in Cornwall will be getting a leaflet with the new collection days and times before the new regime starts on April 1st. Not everyone will see their collection days and times change, but many will do, so please look out for this leaflet.
Unused plastic bags
The new collection regime starts on April 1st. If at that time you still have some of the old clear or blue disposable recycling bags left, you will be allowed to use them for normal 'black bag' waste. (This wasn't allowed previously).
You can find out more about the changes on the Council website.
Please note - some of the changes outlined above are applicable only to Launceston. If you live in a different part of Cornwall, please check for local details.
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