Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Have your say on Launceston's future on Tuesday

Next Tuesday, the Launceston Forum are running a big consultation event in the town square on the future for the town. This event forms part of the refresh of the Launceston 2020 plan which they produced some time ago.

The update has been commissioned in part by the new Launceston Community Network Panel which is identifying the priorities for our area (not just the town, but the surrounding 16 parishes as well) to shape our work in the coming years as well as to form part of Cornwall Council's local development framework.

Already, the Forum has received the views of the Town Council, a large number of parishes and many other organisations and individuals. They have identified the pressure on the Health Centre and the need for significant traffic improvements in the town. But they still need more views and Tuesday's event will be a major effort to get the views of as many other people as possible.

If you are in the town centre on Tuesday between 10am and 7pm, please take five minutes to have your say.

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