It seems that the Corporate Resources scrutiny committee understands more about how a vision is meant to work than the Cabinet does. At the meeting last night they voted unanimously in favour of Lib Dem Leader Doris Ansari's motion to have the Higher Trenant office sell off considered as part of the startegic vision, rather than on its own.
Why is this important?
Well first it shows that it is more than just the Lib Dems who are objecting to the way that the Cabinet is dealing with this issue. The scrutiny committee is a cross-party grouping chaired by an Independent with a Conservative Vice Chair. The Lib Dems only have five of the fifteen members.
Second, it shows that there is very deep concern about the proposal to declare Higher Trenant - one of the council's best offices - surplus to requirements now rather than considering it properly alongside all the other council office buildings.
Concerns have been raised that the Council is only looking to sell the building because they think they can get a lot of money for it (but, worryingly, less than it could cost to build a replacement). I can't see what benefit the council has in shifting offices just 7 miles from Wadebridge to Bodmin and councillors have yet to see the business case for this. It would certainly be wrong, in my view, to sell off Higher Trenant before the business case has been proved.
We will see at the Cabinet meeting next Wednesday whether the administration take any account of the Scrutiny Committee's recommendations.
Jumat, 05 Februari 2010
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