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Email from Tim Nickolls of the Post Office:
To confirm our telephone conversation, Post Office Ltd has taken the decision not to proceed at the current time with the potential relocation of the Launceston Post Office branch to the Newport area. We believe that circumstances have changed significantly in recent days/weeks with regard to the town centre (ie more favourable terms being offered for the current property and a number of possible other partners/premises coming forward) and we feel that we would like to explore these possible solutions for the current problem. At the present time, we will not be offering appointment to the individual interviewed Wednesday for the on-site option.
This does not mean that all is resolved - retaining a service in the town centre still depends on us reaching agreement with a suitable partner, offering suitable premises. However, I will be doing all that I can to ensure that the current impetus is not lost and I hope that the various parties in attendance at Wednesday's meeting will also be assisting where they can.
We will now begin the process of re-advertising the vacancy for the subpostmastership of the Launceston branch and we will be contacting the various parties who have already been in touch with us.
Please let me know if you require any further information at the current time.
Tim Nickolls
Network Development Manager South West
Post Office Ltd, 1st Floor Admin, Swansea Mail Centre, Swansea, SA1 1AA
"I'm in favour of anything that we can do to publicise it. I would welcome the leaders of any political party, as I would welcome any member of the public. I don't know if there's an issue with the Lottery, or whether it's something to do with an impending election. What I do know is that once an election is called you will see all these party leaders visiting schools and so on, so why shouldn't they come here?"
"Over recent months, and particularly during discussions about the council's business plan, budget and improvement agenda, Peter Lewis has expressed a desire to sharpen the focus and increase the pace of change beyond what I consider the council is ready for at this time. Consequently Peter has decided to leave Cornwall Council in order to contribute to an organisation with which he can feel more aligned."
I think it is reasonable to ask what direction Mr Lewis wanted the Council to take which could not be agreed. Given that the administration has set out its stall with the aim of privatising many council services, I can only assume that this is not the move that Mr Lewis was after.
I'm also concerned about the timing of Mr Lewis' departure. It would be normal in the case of a manager of his level to have to give around three months notice - although I have no knowledge of the terms of Mr Lewis contract. So how come Mr Lewis is leaving in just over a couple of weeks time? For the Council to hire in an interim Director will be costly, so why has Mr Lewis not been held to the terms of his contract?
IRP Panel Members £6,893.16
The other costs are from within existing resources:
Staff hours:
Printing/postage costs:
Councillor related costs: