Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

On that FOI cock up

I can't even pretend that I can follow just how the Labour Cabinet managed to cock up the decision on MPs expenses. First they were saying that there would be a whipped vote (but that it was all about opening up, not secrecy - oh no). Then it was to be a free vote. And then no vote at all (unless you were Hazel Blears who appeared not to have got the second memo and so was still claiming it would be a free vote. I don't blame her for being confused...)

And don't even get me started on the shoddy attempt to blame to Tories for reneging on a deal.

What is quite clear is that the blogosphere managed a bit of a coup. It was the collective will of a lot of bloggers and the technorati that got this campaign up the agenda.

But what seems to have been ignored by most of the media is that the Lib Dems have been active on this as well. It was Jo Swinson who tabled a motion highlighting the attempt by the Government to sneak privacy in by the back door and it was the Lib Dem front bench who acted to stop the move.

I'm not trying to claim anything like the whole credit for the Party. But it would be nice if the BBC, among many others, recognised just which Party did something on this issue rather than simply dragging in the usual Tory and Labour MPs to shout and scream at each other.

It may be that Lib Dem MPs can come across a bit holier than thou on some issues. But in this case they could be said to have every right.

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